Sains Malaysiana 49(3)(2020): 553-560


Extending Post-Harvest Quality of Fresh Fig (Ficus carica L.) Fruit Through Manipulation of Pre- and Post-Harvest Practices: A Review

(Memanjangkan Kualiti Pasca-tuai Buah Tin (Ficus carica L.) Segar dengan Memanipulasikan Amalan Pra-tuai dan Pasca Tuai: Suatu Tinjauan)




1Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


2Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia Bintulu Sarawak Campus, P.O Box 396, Nyabau Road, 97008 Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 21 Januari 2019/Diterima: 29 November 2019



Fresh fig fruit has a very unique taste. However, it is well-known as very perishable climacteric fruit. The various factors that involve during the pre-harvest and post-harvest handling processes have caused great challenges to farmer in maintaining the keeping quality of fresh fruits. The key factors involve are disease, water supply, fertilizer management, fruit maturity at harvest as well as post-harvest handling. Thus, good pre- and post-harvest practices are very important in improving the storage quality of fresh fig fruit. In this article, the studies on improving the storage life of fig fruit including the practices used during pre- and post-harvest handling of fig fruit were reviewed. For pre-harvest practices, deficit irrigation, application of plant growth regulator (1-methylcyclopropene) and pollination were applied to improve the quality of fresh fig fruit. For post-harvest treatments, coating, modified atmosphere packaging and optimizing the storage temperature and relative humidity were used in keeping the post-harvest quality of fresh fig fruit.


Keywords: Coating; deficit irrigation; storage temperature



Buah tin segar mempunyai rasa yang sangat unik. Namun, ia juga dikenali sebagai buah klimakterik yang cepat rosak. Faktor yang terlibat dalam proses pengendalian pra- dan pasca-tuai telah memberikan cabaran yang hebat kepada pengusaha dalam menjaga kualiti buah segar sepanjang tempoh penyimpanan. Antara faktor yang terlibat termasuk penyakit, bekalan air, pengurusan pembajaan, kematangan buah ketika penuaian dan juga proses pengendalian pasca-tuai. Oleh itu, amalan pra- dan pasca-tuai yang baik adalah penting dalam meningkatkan kualiti penyimpanan buah tin segar. Kertas ini mengulas kajian terhadap amalan yang dilakukan pada pra- dan pasca-tuai dalam meningkatkan jangka hayat simpanan buah tin. Pada peringkat pra-tuai, amalan ladang seperti pengairan defisit, aplikasi pengawalatur tumbesaran tumbuhan (1-metilsiklopropana) dan pendebungaan sering dijalankan. Bagi amalan pasca tuai, penyalutan, pembungkusan ubah suai atmosfera dan pengoptimaan suhu penyimpanan dan kelembapan relatif merupakan kaedah yang biasa digunakan dalam mengekalkan kualiti pasca-tuai buah tin segar.


Kata kunci: Pengairan defisit; salutan; suhu penyimpanan



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