Sains Malaysiana 52(5)(2023): 1345-1358


Keupayaan Aplikasi Indeks Spektrum dalam Penentuan Perubahan Pantai

(Applicability of Spectral Indices in Determination of Coastal Changes)




Jabatan Sains Bumi dan Alam Sekitar, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 17 Jun 2022/Diterima: 5 Mei 2023



Pantai penting dalam menyediakan pelbagai perkhidmatan ekosistem. Garis pantai berubah secara dinamik dan analisis perubahan garis pantai berupaya dilakukan oleh teknologi penderiaan jauh dan GIS. Tujuan kajian ini adalah mengukur keupayaan indeks spektrum seperti Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) dan Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) dalam membezakan litupan tanah serta penentuan perubahan garis pantai di pantai barat, Johor antara tahun 2000 dan 2020. Penyelidikan ini dijalankan dengan analisis data imej satelit Landsat 7 ETM+ (2000) dan Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (2020) menggunakan perisian ERDAS dan ArcGIS. Imej indeks spektrum dijana bagi penentuan garis pantai melalui pengelasan OTSU. Tindan lapis imej dibuat bagi menentukan perubahan garis pantai. Penggunaan indeks spektrum dalam kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa ketiga-tiga indeks spektrum tersebut mampu membezakan air dan darat dengan berkesan di sepanjang pantai barat Johor. MNDWI didapati mempunyai ketepatan keseluruhan 99.00% (2000) dan 97.50% (2020) dan nilai Kappa yang paling tinggi bagi kedua-dua imej satelit Landsat, 0.98 (2000) dan 0.95 (2020).  Indeks NDVI dan SAVI mempunyai ketepatan yang sama iaitu 95.00% (2000) dan 96.50% (2020) dan nilai Kappa sama sebanyak 0.90 (2000) dan 0.93 (2020).  Pantai barat, Johor telah mengalami pengurangan pantai sebanyak 583.48 hektar dan penambahan 846.85 hektar. Pengurangan yang lebih tinggi diperhatikan di sepanjang pantai Batu Pahat dan Pontian manakala garis pantai di pantai utara Pontian menunjukkan jumlah penambahan yang sangat tinggi. Kajian ini dapat memanfaatkan pihak berkepentingan dengan memberi status perubahan garis pantai terkini untuk mengambil langkah yang berkesan bagi pembangunan dan pengurusan pantai.


Kata kunci: Indeks spektrum; Landsat; pantai barat Johor; perubahan garis pantai



Coast is essential in providing wide range of ecosystem services. Shorelines change dynamically, and analysing shoreline changes can be conducted with Remote sensing and GIS technologies. This study aims to measure applicability of spectral indices of Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI), Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) to distinguish land cover classes and determine coastline changes on west coast of Johor between 2000 and 2020. This study analysed satellite image data obtained from Landsat 7 ETM+ (2000) and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (2020) using ERDAS and ArcGIS software. Spectral index images were generated for shoreline determination through OTSU classification. Image overlays are created to determine shoreline changes. The use of spectral indices showed that the three spectral indexes could effectively distinguish water and land along west coast of Johor. MNDWI had an overall accuracy of 99.00% (2000) and 97.50% (2020) and highest Kappa value for both Landsat satellite images, 0.98 (2000) and 0.95 (2020). The NDVI and SAVI indices have the same accuracy of 95.00% (2000) and 96.50% (2020) and Kappa value of 0.90 (2000) and 0.93 (2020). The west coast of Johor has experienced a reduction of 583.48 hectares of coastline and accretion of 846.85 hectares. Higher reduction was observed along Batu Pahat and Pontian coasts, while the shoreline on the north shore of Pontian showed a very high amount of accretion. This study can benefit stakeholders by giving the status of the latest coastline changes in implementing effective coastal development and management measures.


Keywords: Landsat; shoreline change; spectral index; west coast Johor



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