Sains Malaysiana 51(10)(2022): 3125-3141


Phylogenetic Relationships and Morphological Variation of Gymnures (Galericidae: Hylomys) from Genting Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia

(Hubungan Filogenetik dan Variasi Morfologi Tikus Babi (Galericidae: Hylomys) daripada Tanah Tinggi Genting, Pahang, Malaysia)




1Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia

2The Kyoto University Museum, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

3Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia

4Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia

5Museum of Zoology (Block F14), Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 11 Februari 2022/Diterima: 2 Jun 2022



Gymnures from the genus Hylomys are widely distributed across Sundaland and the Indochinese region. However, the relationships among its members in Peninsular Malaysia especially from Genting Highlands are still lacking. This study aims to examine the morphology and genetically analyse of the Hylomys specimens collected from the new isolated population of Genting Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia. Morphometric analyses showed that morphological variation exists among the Hylomys lineage. The external morphology and the skull measurements of the taxa studied coincide with those of Hylomys maxi from Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra based on descriptive statistics and principal component analysis (PCA). The differences within the Hylomys taxa are also evident in the phylogenetic tree and K2P genetic distances analyses inferred from cyt b. Hylomys samples from Genting Highlands formed a clade with H. maxi from Cameron Highlands and Fraser’s Hill, Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. However, they were separated from Hylomys parvus(Sumatra), Hylomys suillus (Java) and Hylomys dorsalis (Borneo). Relatively, low genetic distances were detected among the studied taxa with other H. maxi (<6% K2P distance) while high genetic distances were observed when compared to other Hylomys taxa (>18.0% K2P distance). Based on these facts, we confirm that the gymnures from Genting Highlands belong to a valid species, Hylomys maxi along with other Peninsular Malaysia samples based on genetics and morphological data which probably originated from Sumatra a long time ago.


Keywords: Biogeography; Eulipotyphyla; genetic relationships; morphology; Peninsular Malaysia



Tikus babi daripada genus Hylomys mempunyai taburan yang luas di Sundaland dan Indochina. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian mengenai hubungan antara kumpulan tikus babi di Semenanjung Malaysia terutamanya dari Tanah Tinggi Genting masih kurang dijalankan. Penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji morfologi dan menganalisis secara genetik spesimen Hylomys yang dikumpul daripada populasi baru Tanah Tinggi Genting, Pahang, Malaysia. Analisis morfometrik mendedahkan bahawa variasi morfologi wujud dalam kalangan Hylomys. Morfologi luaran dan ukuran tengkorak takson yang dikaji bertepatan dengan Hylomys maxi dari Semenanjung Malaysia dan Sumatera berdasarkan statistik deskriptif dan analisis komponen utama (PCA). Perbezaan dalam takson Hylomys juga jelas pada pokok filogenetik dan analisis jarak genetik K2P berdasarkan urutan gen cyt b. Sampel Hylomys dari Tanah Tinggi Genting membentuk klad dengan H. maxi dari Tanah Tinggi Cameron dan Bukit Fraser, Semenanjung Malaysia dan Sumatera. Walau bagaimanapun, mereka dipisahkan daripada Hylomys parvus (Sumatera), Hylomys suillus (Jawa) dan Hylomys dorsalis (Borneo). Secara relatifnya, jarak genetik yang rendah dikesan dalam kalangan takson yang dikaji dengan H. maxi lain (<6% jarak K2P) manakala jarak genetik yang tinggi diperhatikan jika dibandingkan dengan takson Hylomys yang lain (>18.0% jarak K2P). Berdasarkan fakta ini, kami mengesahkan bahawa tikus babi daripada Tanah Tinggi Genting tergolong dalam spesies yang sah, Hylomys maxi bersama sampel Semenanjung Malaysia yang lain berdasarkan data genetik dan morfologi yang mungkin berasal dari Sumatera pada satu masa dahulu.


Kata kunci: Biogeografi; Eulipotyphyla; hubungan genetik; morfologi; Semenanjung Malaysia



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