Sains Malaysiana 50(9)(2021): 2755-2764


Adaptive Elastic Net with Distance Correlation on the Grouping Effect and Robust of High Dimensional Stock Market Price

(Jaring Elastik Mudah Suai dengan Korelasi Jarak ke atas Kesan Pengelompokan dan Keteguhan Dimensi Tinggi Harga Pasaran Saham)




1Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kuala Pilah Campus, 72000 Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus, Malaysia


2Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia


3Department of Statistics and Informatics, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq


Diserahkan: 26 Julai 2020/Diterima: 18 Januari 2021



Stock market is found in many financial studies. Nonetheless, many of these literatures do not consider on the highly correlated stock market price. In particular, the studies on variable selection, grouping effects and robust dedicated to high dimension stock market price can be considered as scarce. Penalized linear regression using elastic net is one of the recognized methods to perform variable selection. However, the lack of consistency in variable selection may reduce the model performance. Hence, adaptive elastic net with distance correlation (AEDC) is proposed in this study and compared against elastic net, adaptive elastic net with elastic weight and adaptive elastic net with ridge weight. AEDC had lower mean squared error when the alpha increases from 0.05 to 0.95. Thus, the proposed method has successfully contributed to encouraging grouping effects between the highly correlated variables and also has an improved model performance in the presence of robustness.


Keywords: Adaptive elastic net; high dimensional data; penalized linear regression; robust; stock market price



Pasaran saham sering ditemui dalam banyak kajian kewangan. Namun begitu, kebanyakan literatur tidak mengambil kira mengenai harga pasaran saham yang berkorelasi tinggi. Secara terperincinya, kajian mengenai pemilihan pemboleh ubah, penggalakan kesan pengelompokan dan keteguhan yang didedikasikan terhadap harga pasaran saham berdimensi tinggi adalah kurang. Kaedah regresi linear terhukum merupakan salah satu kaedah yang diperakui untuk melakukan pemilihan pemboleh ubah. Namun demikian, pemilihan pemboleh ubah yang kurang tekal boleh menjejaskan keberhasilan model. Maka, jaring elastik mudah suai dengan korelasi jarak (EJMSKJ) diusulkan dalam kajian ini dan dibandingkan dengan jaring elastik, jaring elastik mudah suai dengan pemberat elastik dan jaring elastikmudah suai dengan pemberat batas. EJMSKJ mempunyai min ralat kuasa dua yang rendah apabila nilai alfa meningkat daripada 0.05 ke 0.95. Maka, kaedah yang diusulkan telah menyumbang kepada penggalakan kesan pengelompokan antara pemboleh ubah berkorelasi tinggi dan juga keberhasilan model yang lebih baik apabila keteguhan wujud.


Kata kunci: Data dimensi tinggi; harga pasaran saham; jaring elastik mudah suai; regresi linear terhukum; teguh



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