Sains Malaysiana 50(5)(2021): 1199-1209


The Diversity of Lichens along Elevational Gradients in the Tropical Montane Forest of Selangor, Malaysia

(Kepelbagaian Liken sepanjang Kecerunan Ketinggian di Hutan Gunung Tropika, Selangor, Malaysia)




1Centre for Research in Development, Social and Environment, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


2Department of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 25 Mac 2020/Diterima: 5 Oktober 2020



This study aims to explore how lichen diversity, composition, and distribution vary with altitude, and environmental factors (temperature and relative humidity). The study was conducted in the forest of Gunung Bunga Buah, Selangor at five sites (different altitudes). Forty-four lichen species were identified. Their diversity, composition, and distribution correlated significantly with the altitude and environmental factors, increasing diversity at higher altitudes. Graphidaceae and Physciaceae species were present at all altitudes, and the dominant species changed according to altitude: Some Parmeliaceae species were found only at higher altitudes (601-1430 m) while Chrysothrix xanthina and a few Physciaceae species were present only at lower altitudes (0-600 m). These findings will provide additional information about the lichens of the tropical montane forest of Malaysia to enhance knowledge on how to manage and sustain lichens in this type of forest.


Keywords: Biodiversity; epiphytic lichen; montane forest; tropical lichen 



Kajian ini dijalankan untuk melihat bagaimana kepelbagaian komposisi dan taburan spesies liken berbeza terhadap altitud dan faktor persekitaran (suhu dan kelembapan relatif). Kajian ini dijalankan di kawasan hutan Gunung Bunga Buah, Selangor di lima tapak kajian (berlainan altitud). Sebanyak 44 spesies liken telah dikenal pasti. Kepelbagaian, komposisi dan taburan spesies liken mempunyai korelasi terhadap altitud dan faktor persekitaran, peningkatan kepelbagaian berlaku dengan pertambahan ketinggian altitud. Liken daripada famili Graphidaceae dan Physciaceae wujud di setiap altitud dan jenis liken yang mendominasi adalah berbeza: spesies liken Parmeliaceae hanya dijumpai di altitud yang tinggi (601-1430 m) manakala Chrysothrix xanthina dan beberapa liken daripada famili Physciaceae hanya dijumpai di kawasan beraltitud rendah (0-600 m). Kajian ini memberikan informasi tambahan tentang kajian liken di hutan pergunungan tropika di Malaysia di samping mengembangkan ilmu untuk mengurus dan melestarikan liken di hutan pergunungan tropika.


Kata kunci: Hutan pergunungan; kepelbagaian biologi; liken epifit; liken tropika



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