Malaysiana 50(1)(2021): 73-83
Harvesting Marine Microalgae Nannochloropsis sp. using Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Technique
(Penuaian Mikroalga Marin Nannochloropsis sp. menggunakan Teknik Pengapungan Udara Terlarut
Department of Chemical and Environmental
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM
Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
22 Mac 2020/Diterima: 20 Jun 2020
production of high-value bioproducts from microalgae biomass has been widely
investigated. However, their production is hindered by the expensive harvesting
process. To date, flocculation followed by DAF process has been accepted as one
of the affordable harvesting approaches. In this study, the use of DAF
technique was attempted to harvest marine microalgae Nannochloropsis sp. Batch DAF
harvesting was carried out using fabricated DAF unit equipped with several
compartments including separation column, product collecting vessel and rotary
skimmer. Tannin-based biopolymer flocculant, AFlok-BP1 at pH 5 with a
concentration of 160 mg/L was used to facilitate the flocculation of particles.
The effects of different saturator pressure at 1.8, 2, and 2.2 bar were then
evaluated at a constant volume of 6 L microalgae culture. The effects of
different microalgae culture volumes (6, 8 and 10 L) were also evaluated at a
fixed saturator pressure of 2.2 bar. The highest pressure at 2.2 bar yielded
the best result with the highest total solid of 3.19 ± 0.01% and a maximum
yield of 1.70 ± 0.05 g/g (wet basis). The microalgae concentration was the
lowest (0.027 g/L) when 6 L of culture volume was used. However, the values
were significantly higher when the culture volume was increased to 8 and 10 L
to approximately 0.035 and 0.050 g/L, respectively. As a conclusion, the study
provided evidence for the feasibility of DAF technique in harvesting marine
microalgae Nannochloropsis sp.
Bubbles; dewatering; flotation; microalgae; saturator
produk biologi yang bernilai tinggi daripada biojisim mikroalga telah dikaji dengan
meluas. Namun begitu, penghasilan produk biologi ini terhalang oleh proses penuaian
yang mahal. Sehingga hari ini, kaedah flokulasi diikuti dengan proses
pengapungan udara terlarut (DAF) telah diterima baik sebagai satu kaedah
penuaian yang berpatutan. Dalam kajian ini, kaedah DAF telah diguna pakai untuk
menuai mikroalga marin Nannochloropsis sp. Penuaian DAF secara kelompok telah dijalankan menggunakan unit DAF yang
telah difabrikasi dan dilengkapkan dengan beberapa bahagian termasuklah turus
pemisah, vesel pengumpulan produk dan pemeres putar. Flokulan biopolimer
berasaskan tanin, AFlok-BP1 telah digunakan pada nilai pH 5 dengan kepekatan
160 mg/L untuk memudahkan proses flokulasi zarah-zarah. Kesan tekanan
penyerapan yang berbeza pada 1.8, 2.0 dan 2.2 bar kemudiannya dinilai pada isi
padu tetap kultur mikroalga iaitu 6 L. Kesan isi padu mikroalga kultur yang
berbeza (6, 8 dan 10 L) juga dinilai menggunakan tekanan penyerapan yang tetap
iaitu 2.2 bar. Tekanan paling tinggi pada 2.2 bar memberikan keputusan terbaik
dengan jumlah pepejal tertinggi, 3.19 ± 0.01% dan hasil maksimum, 1.70 ± 0.05
g/g (asas basah). Kepekatan mikroalga adalah paling rendah (0.027 g/L) apabila
isi padu kultur 6 L digunakan. Walau bagaimanapun, nilai tersebut
meningkat secara signifikan dengan penambahan isi padu kultur dari 8 dan 10 L
dengan anggaran sebanyak 0.035 dan 0.050 g/L. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini telah
membuktikan keupayaan teknik DAF untuk menuai mikroalga marin Nannochloropsis sp.
kunci: Buih; mikroalga; penyahairan; pengapungan; penyerapan
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*Pengarang untuk surat-menyurat; email: