Sains Malaysiana 49(3)(2020): 713-719
The Risk Measurement of Horticultural Price:
A Comparison Based on Financial Access in West Java, Indonesia
(Pengiraan Risiko Harga Hortikultur: Suatu Perbandingan berdasarkan Akses Kewangan di Jawa Barat, Indonesia)
of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran,
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km. 21, Jatinangor
45363, Indonesia
Diserahkan: 28 Februari 2019/Diterima: 10 November
to finance has been an important issue in minimizing the risk in
agricultural prices. Farmers in Indonesia can access finance from
different financial sources, including from banks, micro finance
institutions (MFIs), farmers’ associations, traders, agricultural
input kiosks, family, and friends. This research was aimed to
investigate the difference of price risk between farmers who had
access to finance from different financial providers and those who
did not, and to analyze the price risk and its relation to some
socioeconomic variables. A survey was conducted to collect data
from selected horticultural farmers, i.e. potato and banana farmers
at the center of potato and banana production in West Java. The
price risk was analyzed using 25th percentile and coefficient of
variation. Moreover, the data were analyzed using independent t-test
to see the difference of the risk between the groups of farmers,
and censored regression model to see the relation between price
risk and some socioeconomic variables. The results show that farmers
who had access to financial sources from MFIs, farmers’ associations,
traders and from other financial sources had a lower price risk
of banana compared to the farmers who did not have access to finance
from those financial providers. The results also show that farmers
having access to finance from traders had lower risk in terms of
the price distribution. The findings suggest the need to enhance
financial access from MFIs, farmers’ associations, and traders since
those finance providers seem to have potency to minimize the farmers’
risk on price.
Access to finance; horticulture;
price risk
Akses kepada
pembiayaan merupakan
satu isu penting
dalam meminimumkan
risiko harga pertanian. Petani di Indonesia dapat mengakses pembiayaan daripada pelbagai sumber pembiayaan, termasuk bank, institusi pembiayaan mikro (MFI), persatuan petani, pedagang, kios input pertanian, keluarga dan rakan. Kajian ini
bertujuan untuk
mengkaji perbezaan risiko harga antara
petani yang mempunyai
akses terhadap pembiayaan daripada penyedia
pembiayaan dan
mereka yang tidak serta menganalisis
risiko harga
dan kaitannya dengan
beberapa pemboleh
ubah sosioekonomi. Suatu kajian telah dijalankan untuk
mengumpul data daripada petani hortikultur terpilih, iaitu petani
kentang dan
pisang di pusat pengeluaran kentang
dan pisang di
Jawa Barat. Risiko harga dianalisis
menggunakan persentil
ke-25 dan koefisien
variasi. Tambahan pula, data dianalisis menggunakan uji-t bebas untuk melihat
perbezaan risiko antara
kelompok petani
dan model regresi yang disensor untuk melihat hubungan antara risiko harga
dan beberapa
pemboleh ubah sosioekonomi.
Hasil kajian
menunjukkan bahawa petani yang mempunyai akses kepada sumber pembiayaan
MFI, persatuan petani,
pedagang dan sumber
pembiayaan lain mempunyai
risiko harga pisang
yang lebih rendah
berbanding dengan petani yang tidak mendapat akses daripada penyedia pembiayaan tersebut. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa
petani yang mendapat
akses kepada pedagang
mempunyai risiko
yang lebih rendah daripada segi distribusi harga. Hasil kajian menunjukkan
perlunya meningkatkan
akses pembiayaan daripada
MFI, persatuan petani
dan pedagang kerana
penyedia pembiayaan
tersebut mempunyai potensi untuk meminimumkan
risiko harga
Kata kunci: Akses kepada pembiayaan; hortikultur; risiko harga
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