Sains Malaysiana 45(5)(2016): 677–688


Storage Stability of Potato Variety Lady Rosetta under Comparative Temperature Regimes

(Kestabilan Penyimpanan Varieti Kentang Lady Rosetta di bawah Perbandingan

Regim Suhu)





1Department of Food Technology, Pir Mehr Ali Shah, Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, 46000, Pakistan


2Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Haripur, 22620, Pakistan


3Department of Biosciences, Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Park Road, Islamabad, 45550, Pakistan


4Division of Plant and Soil Sciences, West Virginia University, Morgantown, Wv 26506-6108, United States of America


Diserahkan: 1 Julai 2015/Diterima: 7 Disember 2015




Potatoes are usually stored under low temperatures for sprout prevention and to ensure their continuous supply. Low temperature sweetening in potato is the major temperature related disorder being faced by the growers and is also known to be associated with variety specific storage temperature. The present study aimed at identifying the appropriate storage temperature for the premium potato variety Lady Rosetta with special reference to the changes in its quality attributes, that is weight loss, total sugars, starch, ascorbic acids, total phenolic contents, radical scavenging activity, enzymatic activities and potato chip color. The selected potato variety was stored under different temperature (5, 15 and 25oC) regimes to identify appropriate storage temperature. Our results showed significant variations in the tested quality attributes in response to different storage temperatures. Storage at 5oC maintained tuber dormancy up to 126 days, however, found associated with increased sugar accumulation (2.32 g/100 g), rapid starch depletion (13.25 g/100 g) and poor post processing performance (L-value, 52.00). In contrast, potato storage at 15oC retained lower sugar contents (1.33 g/100g) and superior chip color (L-value, 59.33) till the end of storage. However, they were found associated with the increased polyphenol oxidase (38.47 U/g f.w) and peroxidase (15.25 U/100 g f.w) activities as compare to those potatoes stored at 5oC during the same storage period. Storage life of potato tubers at 25oC was significantly reduced due to dormancy break on 84th day and subsequent starch degradation (15.29 g/100 g) increased sugar accumulation (1.32 g/100 g) and increased polyphenol oxidase (79.89 U/g f.w) and peroxidase activities (40.69 U/100 g f.w). Our results showed that potato variety Lady Rosetta is cold sensitive and requires specific temperature for prolonged storage and best post processing performance.


Keywords: Chip quality; enzyme activity; potato; physico-chemical attributes; temperature storage



Kentang biasanya disimpan pada suhu yang rendah untuk mencegah percambahan dan bagi memastikan bekalan yang berterusan. Pemanisan kentang pada suhu rendah adalah gangguan major berkaitan dengan suhu yang dihadapi oleh penanam dan juga diketahui berkaitan dengan suhu penyimpanan tertentu yang pelbagai. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti suhu penyimpanan yang sesuai untuk kentang premium varieti 'Lady Rosetta' dengan merujuk khusus kepada perubahan dalam kualiti, penurunan berat, jumlah gula, kanji, asid askorbik, jumlah kandungan fenolik, aktiviti memerangkap radikal, aktiviti enzim dan warna cip kentang. Varieti kentang yang dipilih telah disimpan pada lingkungan suhu yang berbeza (5, 15 dan 25oC) untuk mengenal pasti suhu penyimpanan sesuai. Keputusan menunjukkan perbezaan ketara dalam kualiti yang diuji sebagai tindak balas kepada suhu penyimpanan yang berbeza. Penyimpanan kedormanan kentang dikekalkan pada 5oC sehingga 126 hari, walau bagaimanapun, ia didapati berkaitan dengan peningkatan pengumpulan gula (2.32 g/100 g), pengurangan kanji yang cepat (13.25 g/100 g) dan prestasi pasca pemprosesan yang lemah (nilai-L, 52.00). Sebaliknya, penyimpanan kentang pada 15oC dapat mengekalkan kandungan gula lebih rendah (1.33 g/100 g) dan warna cip unggul (nilai-L, 59.33) hingga ke akhir penyimpanan. Tetapi, ia didapati berkaitan dengan peningkatan polifenol oksidase (38.47 U/g f.w) dan aktiviti peroxidase (15.25 U/100 g f.w) berbanding kentang yang disimpan pada 5°C dalam tempoh penyimpanan yang sama. Jangka hayat penyimpanan kentang yang disimpan pada 25oC telah berkurang dengan ketara disebabkan oleh pemecahan kedormanan pada hari ke-84 dan degradasi kanji (15.29 g/100 g), peningkatan pengumpulan gula (1.32 g/100 g) dan peningkatan polifenol oksidase (79.89 U/g fw) dan aktiviti peroksidase (40.69 U/100 g f.w). Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa varieti kentang 'Lady Rosetta' sensitif kepada sejuk dan memerlukan suhu tertentu untuk penyimpanan jangka masa panjang dan prestasi pasca pemprosesan yang terbaik.


Kata kunci: Aktiviti enzim; kentang; kualiti cip; sifat fisiko-kimia; suhu penyimpanan


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