Sains Malaysiana 45(1)(2016): 129–134

Influences of 1,2-dichlorobenzene on Bacterial Community Structure in Wetland Soil

(Pengaruh 1,2- diklorobenzena pada Struktur Komuniti Bakteria di Tanih Tanah Bencah)





1Key Laboratory for Ecology and Pollution Control of Coastal Wetlands, Yancheng Institute

 of Technology, Yancheng, China


2Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia


3Water Research Unit, Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, University Malaysia Sabah,

88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 27 Jun 2014/Diterima: 6 November 2014




In order to explore the response of the soil microbial community to 1,2-dichlorobenzene exposure in Wetland soil, a short-term (7 weeks) mesocosm study was conducted at four 1,2-dichlorobenzene concentrations of (100, 400 and 800) μg g -1. Dry soil, sterile and unsterile controls were also compared. The results obtained showed a significant effect of 1,2-dichlorobenzene on the development of bacterial populations in soils contaminated with different concentrations of 1,2-dichlorobenzene at the early time after application. In general, however, the number of populations of the same soil sample treated with the same concentration of 1,2-dichlorobenzene differed significantly with the increasing incubation time within the early 5 weeks. The scale of differences in banding patterns-showed that the microbial community structures of 1,2-dichlorobenzene-treated and non-1,2-dichlorobenzene-treated soils were not significantly different after 7 weeks of incubation. DNA in application-responsive bands from the 1,2-dichlorobenzene treatments was recovered and amplified using the universal primers. PCR products were recovered and cloned into pGEM-T Easy (Promega) and two clones were obtained. The two clones were sequenced using the automated Model 3730 DNA sequencing system. The two cloned sequences had very high similarities to an uncultured bacterium reported previously in the database of NCBI.


Keywords: Bacterial community; denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE); wetland soil; 1,2-dichlorobenzene



Dalam usaha untuk mengkaji sambutan komuniti mikrob tanah pendedahan 1,2-diklorobenzena di tanih Tanah Bencah, satu kajian mesokosma jangka pendek (7 minggu) telah dijalankan pada empat kepekatan 1,2-diklorobenzena daripada (100, 400 dan 800) μg g -1. Tanah kering, kawalan steril dan tidak disteril juga dibandingkan. Keputusan yang diperoleh menunjukkan kesan bererti 1,2-diklorobenzena kepada pembangunan populasi bakteria dalam tanah yang tercemar dengan kepekatan 1,2-diklorobenzena yang berbeza pada awal selepas penetapan. Secara umum, bagaimanapun, bilangan populasi sampel tanah yang sama dirawat dengan kepekatan yang sama daripada 1,2-diklorobenzena berbeza jelas dengan peningkatan masa pengeraman 5 minggu pertama. Skala perbezaan pola banding menunjukkan bahawa struktur komuniti mikrob tanah 1,2-diklorobenzena dirawat dan 1,2-diklorobenzena tidak dirawat tidak berbeza secara ketara selepas 7 minggu pengeraman. DNA dalam band aplikasi responsif daripada rawatan 1,2-diklorobenzena telah pulih dan dikuatkan menggunakan primers sejagat. Produk PCR telah pulih dan diklon ke pGEM-T Mudah (Promega) dan dua klon diperoleh. Kedua-dua klon telah disusun menggunakan sistem penjujukan DNA Model automatik 3730. Kedua-dua jujukan klon mempunyai persamaan yang sangat tinggi kepada bakteria tidak berkultur yang dilaporkan sebelum ini dalam pangkalan data NCBI.


Kata kunci: Komuniti bakteria; penyahaslian kecerunan gel elektroforesis (DGGE); tanah bencah; 1,2-diklorobenzena



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