Sains Ma1aysiana 25(2): 71-78 (1996)                                                                                          Pengajian Kuantitatif/

                                                                                                                                                                 Quantitative Studies


An Architecture of a Query Evaluation System

For Deductive Databases



Ali Mamat

Jabatan Sains Komputer

Universiti Pertanian Malaysia

43400 UPM Serdang Selangor D.E. Malaysia





The technology of deductive database is now mature enough due to the considerable research efforts that have been made on the field for the last ten years. This achievement is demonstrated by the emergence of efficient and easy to use systems with their capability of supporting a declarative, rule based style of expressing queries and applications on databases. This paper describes an overview of architecture of a query evaluation system for deductive databases that has been developed.





Teknologi pangkalan data deduktif sudah matang hasil daripada penyelidikan yang telah banyak dilakukan dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. Pencapaian ini dibuktikan melalui kemunculan sistem yang cekap dan mudah guna serta mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengungkap pertanyaan dan penggunaan ke atas pangkalan data secara deklaratif menerusi penggunaan petua. Dalam kertas ini diterangkan suatu ringkasan mengenai senibina sistem penilaian pertanyaan untuk pangkalan data deduktif yang sudah dibangunkan.




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