Sains Malaysiana 52(6)(2023):
Supplementary Feed Potential on Histology
and Immune Response of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) Exposed to Microplastics
(Potensi Makanan Tambahan ke atas Histologi dan Tindak Balas Imun Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) Terdedah kepada Mikroplastik)
1Department of Biology, Faculty
of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
2Biology Study Program,
Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim,
Malang, Indonesia
3Department of Biological
Sciences, Faculty of Science, Mkwawa University
College of Education, Tanzania
Received: 16 February 2023/Accepted: 31 May 2023
Polyester microplastics (PS) are toxic and hazardous chemicals
in the ecosystem that can induce stress. Disposing PS articles into the
environment can negatively impact health of aquatic biota, including fish. This
study aimed to investigate the potential of probiotics or vitamin C
supplementation in improving the histological structure of organs and cytokine
secretion in tilapia fish exposed to PS. Thirty-six tilapia were divided
into 12 groups consisting of treatment groups (four PS concentration
variations: 0, 0.1, 1, and 10 mg/L). Each treatment was given three types of
feed: Commercial feed alone, commercial feed containing
probiotics (200 mL/kg), and commercial feed containing vitamin C (100 mg/kg).
The study had a sample size of n=3. After treatment was completed, all parameters were
measured. The result showed that the addition of probiotics and vitamin C could
decrease TNF-α levels and increase IFN-γ levels. Probiotics and
vitamin C prevent healthy cells to be damaged by pro-inflammatory cytokines.
The percentage of normal hepatocytes increased significantly in all treatment
groups with the addition of probiotics or vitamin C. Furthermore, the
percentage of hepatocytes with swelling and necrosis decreased significantly in
treatment groups (p < 0.05). Additionally, villi height, lamina propria width, submucosa height, and the number of goblet
cells all increased significantly in all treatment groups with the
administration of probiotics or vitamin C (p < 0.05). Overall, both
probiotics and vitamin C supplements have the potential to maintain fish
health. Vitamin C exhibits a greater potential than probiotics in regulating
immune responses. Meanwhile, both probiotics and vitamin C supplements have
potential to inhibit damage to the hepatic and intestine structures of fish
exposed to PS.
Fish; fisheries; freshwater; polystyrene; probiotics
Mikroplastik poliester (PS) adalah bahan kimia toksik dan berbahaya dalam ekosistem yang boleh menyebabkan tekanan. Penyingkiran artikel PS ke alam sekitar boleh memberi kesan negatif kepada kesihatan biota akuatik, termasuk ikan. Penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi probiotik atau suplemen vitamin C dalam memperbaiki struktur histologi organ dan rembesan sitokin pada ikan tilapia yang terdedah kepada PS. Tiga puluh enam tilapia dibahagikan kepada 12 kumpulan yang terdiri daripada kumpulan rawatan (empat variasi kepekatan PS: 0, 0.1, 1 dan 10 mg/L). Setiap rawatan diberi tiga jenis makanan: Makanan komersial sahaja, makanan komersial yang mengandungi probiotik (200 mL/kg) dan makanan komersial yang mengandungi vitamin C (100 mg/kg). Kajian ini mempunyai saiz sampel n=3. Selepas rawatan selesai, semua parameter diukur. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa penambahan probiotik dan vitamin C boleh mengurangkan tahap TNF-α dan meningkatkan tahap IFN-γ. Probiotik dan vitamin C menghalang sel yang sihat daripada rosak oleh sitokin pro-radang. Peratusan hepatosit normal meningkat dengan ketara dalam semua kumpulan rawatan dengan penambahan probiotik atau vitamin C. Tambahan pula, peratusan hepatosit dengan bengkak dan nekrosis menurun dengan ketara dalam kumpulan rawatan (p < 0.05). Selain itu, ketinggian vili, lebar lamina propria, ketinggian submukosa dan bilangan sel goblet semuanya meningkat dengan ketara dalam semua kumpulan rawatan dengan pemberian probiotik atau vitamin C (p
<0.05). Secara keseluruhan, kedua-dua probiotik dan suplemen vitamin C berpotensi untuk mengekalkan kesihatan ikan. Vitamin C menunjukkan potensi yang lebih besar daripada probiotik dalam mengawal tindak balas imun. Sementara itu, kedua-dua probiotik dan suplemen vitamin C berpotensi untuk menghalang kerosakan pada struktur hati dan usus ikan yang terdedah kepada PS.
Kata kunci: Air tawar; ikan; perikanan; polistirena; probiotik
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