Sains Malaysiana 50(4)(2021): 1113-1120


Evaluation of Safety Performance of Level Crossings in Turkey with Data Envelopment Analysis

(Penilaian Prestasi Keselamatan Lintasan Kereta Api di Turki dengan Analisis Penyampulan Data)




1Gazi University, Technology Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, Technical Schools

06500, Ankara, Turkey


2Erciyes University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Business, 38225, Kayseri, Turkey


Received: 2 November 2019/Accepted: 3 September 2020



Level crossing, also known as railroad and highway crossings, pose a risk to those who use both modes of transport due to collisions that may occur. This risk associated with level crossings is of great importance both in Turkey and in the world. In this study, data envelopment analysis was performed on the accident data occurring on five types of level crossings in Turkey and a measurement of safety performances of level crossings in Turkey was provided. As a result of the analysis, the most efficient three-level crossings were found to be Hilal-Bandırma in Manisa, Samsun-Kalın in Amasya_1, and Samsun-Kalın in Amasya_2. In addition, a linear regression model that serves with the variables which are the components of level crossing and the number of accidents is established. In this model, it is seen that the ratio of independent variables to dependent variables was statistically significant.


Keywords: Accident; data envelopment analysis; level crossing; safety performance



Lintasan kereta api, juga dikenali sebagai landasan kereta api dan lintasan lebuh raya, dapat menimbulkan risiko kepada mereka yang menggunakan kaedah pengangkutan ini atas sebab wujudnya kemungkinan pelanggaran yang akan berlaku. Risiko ini dikaitkan apabila lintasan kereta api adalah amat penting bagi negara Turki dan dunia. Daripada analisis kajian ini, analisis penyampulan data dijalankan pada data kemalangan yang berlaku pada lima jenis lintasan kereta api di Turki dan satu ukuran prestasi keselamatan lintasan kereta api di Turki telah disediakan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat tiga kaedah yang didapati paling cekap dalam lintasan kereta api iaitu Hilal-Bandırma di Manisa, Samsun-Kalin di Amasya_1 dan Samsun-Kalin di Amasya_2. Sebagai tambahan, model regresi linear telah dihasilkan yang mempunyai beberapa pemboleh ubah komponen lintasan kereta api dan jumlah kemalangan. Model ini memperlihatkan bahawa julat pemboleh ubah tidak bersandar kepada pemboleh ubah bersandar daripada statistik adalah amat ketara.


Kata kunci: Analisis penyampulan data; kemalangan; lintasan kereta api; prestasi keselamatan



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