Sains Malaysiana 49(6)(2020): 1293-1302
and Antioxidant Activities in ‘Beluntas’ (Pluchea
indica), Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
and Their Mixtures
Antimikrob dan Antioksidan pada ‘Beluntas’ (Pluchea indica), Kunyit (Curcuma
longa) dan Campurannya)
Ruqayyah Zabidi1, Mohd Azmi Mohd Razif3, Sayyidah Nafisah
Ismail1, Muhammad Widus Sempo4 & Nazariyah Yahaya1,2*
1Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Sains
Islam Malaysia, 71800 Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
2International Fatwa and Halal (iFFAH) Center, Universiti
Sains Islam Malaysia, 71800 Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
3Islamic Science Institute, Universiti Sains Islam
Malaysia, 71800 Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
4Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies (FPQS), Universiti
Sains Islam Malaysia, 71800 Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Received: 22 July 2019/Accepted: 17 February 2020
Traditional medicine provides us essential
guidance on herbal remedies with approaching health preservation methods. In this paper, we present the relevant
prescriptions related to ‘Beluntas’ (Pluchea
indica) and Turmeric (Curcuma longa) ingredients mentions in Malay Manuscript
Code MSS 2802. In this study, antioxidant and antimicrobial
properties in the mixture of P. indica and C.
longa and their individual plants were studied based on prescription captured. Antimicrobial activities were
performed against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia
coli in vitro by micro dilution method and disk diffusion method. The
observation from MIC and MBC show that the mixture of both plants has the
highest ability to inhibit S. aureus followed by P. indica and C.
longa. Meanwhile, at concentration of 2000 mg/mL, the inhibition zone of P. indica, C. longa, and mixture of both
plants showed significantly different (p <0.05) with the values of
12.67±0.58, 6.33±0.58 and 10.16±0.58 mm, respectively. In this study, the
antioxidant activities of P. indica, C. longa, and their mixture was
measured the DPPH scavenging activity, FRAP and TPC. The DPPH scavenging
activity showed that P. indica has significantly highest antioxidant
ability among all the samples as it IC50 is the lowest with 379.822
µg/mL. In FRAP and TPC methods, P. indica also exhibited the significant
highest antioxidant followed by their mixture and C. longa. In
conclusion, this herb remedy may be considered as an
alternative medicinal treatment that have competent antimicrobial and
antioxidant properties. However, the formulation for the mixture of both plants
need to further investigate.
Antimicrobial; antioxidant; Curcuma longa; MSS 2802; Pluchea indica
Perubatan tradisi memberi kita panduan penting
mengenai ubat-ubatan herba dengan pendekatan kaedah pemeliharaan kesihatan
secara holistik. Dalam kajian ini, kami mengetengahkan ramuan berkaitan dengan
Beluntas (Pluchea indica) dan Kunyit (Curcuma longa)
yang terdapat dalam manuskrip Melayu berkod MSS 2802. Kandungan antimikrob dan antioksidan dalam campuran P.
indica dan C. longa serta tumbuhan individunya telah dikaji. Aktiviti
antimikrob ditentukan dengan menggunakan bakteria Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli secara in vitro melalui kaedah mikrodilusi
dan resapan cakera. Hasil pemerhatian daripada penentuan MIC dan MBC
menunjukkan campuran kedua-dua tumbuhan menpunyai kebolehan yang paling tinggi
untuk merencatkan pertumbuhan S. aureus diikuti oleh P. indica dan C. longa. Manakala, pada kepekatan 2000 mg/mL P. indica, C.
longa dan campuran kedua-dua tumbuhan, nilai zon perencatan berbeza secara
bererti (p <0.05) dengan masing-masing adalah 12.67±0.58, 6.33±0.58 dan
10.16±0.58 mm. Dalam kajian ini, aktiviti antioksida P. indica, C. longa dan campuran kedua-duanya diukur melalui aktiviti skaveng DPPH, FRAP dan TPC.
Aktiviti skaveng DPPH menunjukkan P. indica mempunyai aktiviti
antioksida yang paling tinggi secara bererti dalam kalangan semua sampel dengan
nilai IC50 nya adalah paling rendah iaitu 379.822 µg/mL. Dalam
kaedah FRAP dan TPC, P. indica juga menunjukkan aktiviti antioksida yang
tinggi berbanding campuran ekstrak kedua-dua tumbuhan dan C. longa.
Kesimpulannya, ubat herba ini boleh dijadikan sebagai rawatan perubatan
altenatif yang mempunyai kandungan antimikrob dan antioksidan yang mencukupi.
Walau bagaimanapun, ramuan penggunaan campuran daripada kedua-dua tumbuhan ini
perlu dilakukan kajian lanjut.
kunci: Antimikrob; antioksidan; Curcuma longa; MSS 2802; Pluchea indica
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