Sains Malaysiana 40(3)(2011): 251–257
Structural, Optical
and Electrical Properties of Fluorine Doped Tin Oxide
Thin Films Deposited Using Inkjet Printing Technique
(Struktur, Sifat Optik dan Elektrik Filem Nipis Timah Oksida Terdop Florin Dimendapkan Mengguna Teknik Cetakan Inkjet)
Wan Zurina Samad*,1, Muhamad Mat Salleh2, Ashkan Shafiee2 & Mohd Ambar Yarmo1
1School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of
Science and Technology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E., Malaysia
2Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E., Malaysia
Received: 21 July 2010 / Accepted: 3 September 2010
This paper reports on
structural, optical transmittance and electrical properties of fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO)
thin films deposited using an inkjet printer. The FTO ink
was synthesized from a mixture of tin chloride pentahydrate (SnCl4.5H2O) and ammonium fluoride
(NH4F) solutions. The thin films were deposited on glass
substrates at ambient temperature or heated at 40oC
and 60oC. The surface electronic state and the elemental
composition of the thin films were analyzed using XPS spectroscopy.
The spectra of the FTO thin films revealed that tin,
oxygen, fluoride and carbon were present in the samples. The signals
corresponding to Sn 3d5/2,
O1s, and F1s were
found at 486.6 eV, 530.5 eV and 684.5 eV, respectively. XRD analysis
showed that the FTO films were in the form of
crystalline with cassiterite shape. The optical and
electrical properties of the films were affected by the deposition
temperatures. It was observed the film deposited at 40oC
has the optimum optical transmittance and sheet resistivity which were 91%T and 16 Ω/,
Keywords: Fluorine-doped tin oxide; inkjet printing; transparent
conducting oxide
Kertas ini melaporkan sifat struktur, transmisi optikal dan kerintangan bahan timah oksida dop florin (FTO) yang disalut menggunakan teknik cetakan inkjet. Dakwat FTO dihasilkan melalui kaedah percampuran antara bahan timah klorida pentahidrat (SnCl4.5H2O) dengan ammonium florida (NH4F). Penyalutan filem lapisan nipis FTO di atas substrat kaca telah dijalankan pada suhu bilik, 40oC dan 60oC. Analisis permukaan dan komposisi kimia telah dijalankan menggunakan XPS. Analisis XPS menunjukkan kewujudan unsur penting seperti Sn, oksigen,
florin dan juga karbon. Unsur tersebut wujud dengan puncak isyarat Sn 3d5/2,
O1s, and F1s pada tenaga ikatan 486.6 eV, 530.5 eV dan 684.4 eV. Pencirian menggunakan XRD pula menunjukkan bahawa sampel FTO yang terhasil bersifat hablur dan mempunyai bentuk hablur kasiterit. Didapati, sifat optik dan elektrik filem nipis yang dihasilkan adalah dipengaruhi oleh suhu semasa penyalutan. Kerintangan elektrik yang optimum pada 16 Ω/dengan ciri optik pada 91%T telah diperoleh bagi filem nipis yang disalut pada suhu 40oC.
Kata kunci: Cetakan inkjet; oksida lutsinar mengkonduksi; timah oksida terdop fluorin
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